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Klimt Landscape Show Is More, and Less, Than Expected

It was exciting to look forward to the exhibition “Klimt Landscapes,” now at the Neue Galerie. Klimt, of course, is Gustav Klimt (1862-1918), the Austrian modernist widely beloved for his paintings of the most beautiful women of Vienna’s haute

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Anche a Pasqua: folla sulla pista di Ischgl

Anche il giorno di Pasqua le piste del famoso comprensorio di Ischgl, in Austria, si sono riempite di sciatori. Come si vede in queste immagini, tante le cadute e anche chi resta fermo nel mezzo della pista può finire travolto. La causa del sovraffo

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Baby quasars: Growing supermassive black holes

The James Webb Space Telescope makes one of the most unexpected findings within its first year of service: A high number of faint little red dots in the distant Universe could change the way we understand the genesis of supermassive black holes.

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