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Japan Conducts First National Survey on Religious Abuse

For the first time, Japan has conducted a national survey on child abuse related to religious beliefs, uncovering 47 cases reported to child consultation centers over the past 18 months. The findings highlight significant concerns within households w

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Bracing for 'Crow Blackouts'

As crows enter their breeding season, their nest-building activities are causing concern among utility providers due to the increased risk of power outages. (News On Japan)

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New Chapter in 'Yakuza Crest Legend'

The twenty-first installment of the popular Yakuza series "Yakuza Crest Legend" is set for release on DVD on June 25, 2024. This chapter picks up after the resolution of a major conflict in Kyushu, focusing on the recovery and ensuing internal strife

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Residents Anxious About Measures to Counter Over-Tourism

As Golden Week approaches, the historic city of Kamakura, known for its scenic views and cultural heritage, is facing the perennial challenge of over-tourism. This year, local authorities are initiating an experimental traffic management scheme encou

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Unpacking Japan's Lavish School Lunch

The Cabinet Office's Government Public Relations Office recently stirred controversy with a social media post showcasing an overly lavish depiction of school lunches, leading to a public outcry over the authenticity of the meals presented. (News On J

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"Last Mile" Trailer Released: A Non-Stop Suspense Thriller

Directed by Ayuko Tsukahara and scripted by Akiko Nogi, "Last Mile" merges thrilling suspense with an impressive ensemble cast from popular series like "Unnatural" and "MIU404." This top-tier collaboration creates an exhilarating suspense entertainme

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