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The Incense Route

The Incense Route was a series of important ancient trade routes linking Egypt to India by way of Arabia. The incense trade flourished between the 3rd century BCE and the 2nd century CE, during which time these routes played a vital role in the trans

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A winning party, if you can keep it

We’re presently in the political equivalent of the eye of a hurricane.  We all know that the 2024 was just one battle, and the enemies of liberty on the left are steeling themselves for the inevitable counterattack.  They wi...

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Scriptnotes, Episode 664: Hollywood Got Old, Transcript

The original post for this episode can be found here. John August: Hello and welcome. My name is John August. Craig Mazin: My name is Craig Mazin. John: You’re listen to episode 664 of Scriptnotes, a podcast about screenwriting and things that are

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