A cinema in Diamond Hill will likely cease operations on Friday, potentially becoming the seventh movie theatre to close this year. Even though the MCL branch at Plaza Hollywood hasn’t made an official announcement yet, the cinema has suspended ticket-selling on its website and its ticket counters. Spanning 38,000 square feet, the cinema has six halls with a total capacity of almost 1,600 seats. While staff members at the cinema refused to comment on the reported closure, they conceded that "operation of the cinema will temporarily pause from Friday". Among those paying a potential last visit to MCL Cinemas PLUS+ Plaza Hollywood was Shaun, a university student. "Maybe because of people heading north or the internet is growing fast, not many people are coming to the cinemas. But I love watching movies inside cinemas, that's why I'm quite distressed," she told RTHK. Diana, who’s lived in the housing complex above the mall for over two decades, said the cinema means a lot to her. "We just get in the lift and come here within ten minutes. It's very convenient ...it's very causal and easy,” she said. "Also, during my childhood, my parents often brought me to watch movies during the weekends and so this is a habit.” Another nearby resident, 76-year-old Raymond, said he’s been a big fan of the cinema. "It's such a pity. There's only this cinema in the area. I am an elderly and this cinema offers discounts for senior citizens until 1:30pm. I once watched five movies in a week," he said. At least six cinemas have closed this year, including the almost six-decade old President Theatre in Causeway Bay.