Boat Airdopes ProGear were launched in India on Monday as the company's first open-ear wearable stereo (OWS) earphones. Instead of the in-ear design that most true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones sport, the Airdopes ProGear come with an open-ear design. They use air conduction technology, which is the normal way that sound travels in nature, to give users an immersive audio experience while maintaining situational awareness. They are said to offer a total playback time of up to 100 hours, including the charging case.
Boat Airdopes ProGear Price in India, Availability
The Boat Airdopes ProGear are priced in India at Rs. 1,999 and available for purchase through Amazon, Myntra, and the Boat India e-store. On Flipkart, the OWS earphones are currently listed at a special price of Rs. 1,699.
The earphones are also available for purchase at offline stores such as Reliance, Croma, and Vijay Sales. They are offered in two colour options — Active Black and Sporting Green.
Boat Airdopes ProGear Specifications, Features
The Boat Airdopes ProGear are equipped with 15mm drivers and use air conduction technology. This is where sound travels through air and vibrates our eardrums with the vibrations then translated to electrical signals in the brain, which we interpret as audio. The earphones rest outside the ear canal, held in place by ear-hooks. The non-obstruction of the ear canals helps in elevated situational awareness of individuals than when using in-ear earphones. They are said to be lightweight and the ear hooks are claimed to be made of skin-friendly material.
The newly launched OWS earphones also sport an AI-backed environmental noise cancellation (ENC) supported quad mic system which is claimed to offer a stable and clear call experience. They support 40ms low latency gaming mode which is said to provide lesser lag between audio-visual content while gaming or streaming videos online.
The Boat Airdopes ProGear earbuds carry a 65mAh battery each, while the charging case has a 500mAh cell. On a single charge, the OWS earphones are said to offer a battery life of up to 100 hours with the case. A quick charge of 10 minutes is claimed to provide a playback time of up to 10 hours. The earbuds come with an IPX5 rating and support Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity.