Apple is expected to launch its iPhone 16 series later this year comprising four models. While the standard iPhone 16 variants are speculated to get a revamped design, the high-end Pro models are also expected to pack several upgrades in key areas such as performance and charging speeds. A recently surfaced claim on social media from China suggests that Apple may bump up the battery capacities of the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max.
iPhone 16 Pro Models Battery Capacity
According to a post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo by user Instant Digital (translated from Chinese), both iPhone 16 Pro models are expected to get upgrades when it comes to battery life. While the iPhone 16 Pro is tipped to feature a 3,577mAh battery, the top-end iPhone 16 Pro Max may be backed by a 4,676mAh battery.
Although Apple does not officially reveal the battery capacities of its iPhone models, it is widely known that the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max have 3,274mAh and 4,441mAh-rated batteries, respectively.
If the claim turns out to be true, it would translate into a 9 percent bigger battery for the Pro model while the bigger iPhone 16 Pro Max's battery would have 5 percent more capacity. However, it is unknown if these numbers would lead to better battery life during real-world usage.
iPhone 16 Faster Charging Speeds
iPhone 16 Pro models are also speculated to pack faster charging speeds, according to a report. At present, Apple has capped the charging speed across its entire iPhone 15 lineup at 20W. Using a compatible Apple-certified 20W or higher power adapter, all variants in the iPhone 15 lineup are claimed to charge up to 50 percent within 30 minutes.
However, the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max may support up to 40W of wired fast charging. Additionally, MagSafe charging is also reported to be upgraded from 15W to 20W.